A sleep study gives the best picture of how you breathe when you sleep. It provides information regarding apneas, hypopneas, pulse, blood pressure and other physiological processes. The sleep study can be performed in a clinical sleep lab or in the comfort of your own home. Dr. Stephanie Gruenes will work with you on an individual basis to properly diagnose the problem and find the most appropriate solution.

Types of Sleep Tests

Polysomnogram (PSG): A PSG is a sleep study that is done in a sleep lab overnight and monitored by a trained sleep lab technician. The patient is hooked up with wires via painless sticky electrodes to the apparatus that will monitor their sleep channels.

Home Sleep Test (HST): An HST is a convenient monitoring system that the patient can use in the comfort of his own bed. The HST is a small, portable unit that utilizes wireless technology. The Snoring and Sleep Apnea Center has HSTs available at the office for patient use. The data recorded during sleep is then downloaded to a computer at ou office the next day. This data is analyzed by a board of certified sleep physicians.

Cephalometric Radiograph (CEPH): A CEPH is a digital radiograph of the head, including the mandible in full lateral view; it is used for making cranial measurements.

Panoramic Radiograph (PAN): A PAN is a digital image designed to present a panoramic view of the full circumferential length of the jaws on a  single film.

To ensure appropriate and effective comprehensive patient care, Dr. Gruenes shares all reports and treatment progress notes with the patient's physician.

13734 1st St. PO Box 337 Becker, MN 55308
sleep@snoringsleepapneacenter.com | 763.262.7667