Our Committment to You

We strive to share our vision of uncompromising excellence in patient care. To fulfill this mission, we are committed to:

  • Listening to those we are privileged to serve
  • Earning the trust and respect of our patients, professionals and our community
  • Exceeding your expectations
  • Ensuring a creative, challenging and compassionate professional environment
  • Striving for continuous improvement at all levels

New Patient Forms

Your first visit to Dr. Stephanie Gruenes involves a few steps so that we can get to know you. To ensure that we have all of the needed information, please take a few moments to fill out our new patient information forms. This will allow us to provide you with the best possible care and help speed up your check-in process. Remember to bring them with you for your visit.

In order to view or print these forms you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.


13734 1st St. PO Box 337 Becker, MN 55308
sleep@snoringsleepapneacenter.com | 763.262.7667